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Permanent Income Model 3: Shooting

Generalize the model to non-homothetic preferences.

Now \(g(c)\) depends on \(c\). There is no closed-form solution.

Algorithm: Shooting

Search over values for \(c_{T}\). For each:

  • Compute \(c_t\) from the Euler equation (backwards).
  • Compute the present value of consumption.
  • Check the lifetime budget constraint.

Note: Searching over values of \(c_{1}\) creates numerical problems in some models.

  • Roughly: small changes in \(c_{1}\) can imply large changes in \(c_{T}\).
  • Example: transition path of a standard growth model (between steady states).
    • Higher \(c_{1}\) implies lower saving, higher interest rate, higher consumption growth
    • This creates a feedback loop where consumption growth explodes.


A simple way of finding the optimal \(c_T\):

  • Compute the present value of consumption on a grid of \(c_T\).
  • Interpolate between grid points to find the value that satisfies the budget constraint.

Algorithm outline:

  1. Initialize the model (unchanged).
  2. Set up a grid for \(c_{T}\).
  3. For each grid point: Solve for the present value of consumption.
  4. Interpolate to find the \(c_{T}\) for which the present value of \(c\) equals \(Y\).

Compute the present value of consumption:

  1. Input \(c_{T}\) and model.
  2. Compute the consumption path \(c_{t}\).
  3. Compute the present value.

Computing the consumption path:

  1. Start with \(c_{T}\).
  2. Compute consumption growth.
  3. Compute \(c_{t-1} = c_{t} / g(c)\).
  4. Iterate backwards.

Exercise: write this code - and don't forget the tests

Root Finding

In my solution, the interpolation is simply hand coded. Usually, one would use a package for this (such as Interpolations.jl).

Interpolation is, of course, inefficient. We need to compute a large number of grid points for \(c_T\).

A better solution is to use a numerical optimizer.

Solving this model is an example of root finding. We are looking for the solution to \(f(c_T)=0\).

There are various libraries that offer algorithms for root finding and for the more common problem of minimizing a function.

Using these libraries requires that we install packages. In this case, we will use Roots.jl.

See root finding.

find_zero finds the root of a function f(x). This is what we will use.

Excercise: write this code. My solution with test